موزاييك | منصة إلكترونية تجمع المدربين والمتدربين وتسهّل التواصل المباشر بينهما

تعرّف على مجتمع المدربين المحترفين وبرامجهم التدريبية في أهم القطاعات الاقتصادية

Mosaic Objective & Mission

Mosaic aims at providing adequate information about the training programs which are extended by a qualified, knowledgeable and skilled trainers in the most desired learning sectors. 

Mosaic objective is to enable professionals, staff and workers interested in developing their Knowledge and Skills looking for training programs that assist them in realizing their professional objectives by facilitating direct communication among the trainers and trainees' community.

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إيجابيات التعليم عن بُعد في ظل جائحة كورونا (كوفيد ١٩)

أ/ أماني هزاع العنزي

عضو هيئة تدريب في الهيئة العامة للتعليم التطبيقي والتدريب

30 يناير 2021


قياس عائد التدريب

كيفية قياس العائد على الاستثمار في التدريب كما يراه مجموعة من الخبراء والممارسين في القطاعين العام والخاص


تحديات التعلم الإلكتروني في ظل أزمة كورونا وما بعدها

معن الخطيب، محاضر وباحث أردني (تاريخ المقال 14/4/2020)



عناصر العملية التدريبية

أنوار راشد علي العازمي، مدرب لغة إنجليزية، المعهد العالي للخدمات الإدارية


Subscription plans
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs
Include your training programs in the training calendar
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"
Get regular statistics about your training programs
Free subscription plan
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.First training program
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs-
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.-
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs-
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic-
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs-
Include your training programs in the training calendar
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"-
Get regular statistics about your training programs-
Single Package
5 Kuwaiti Dinar
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.for every single training program
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic-
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs-
Include your training programs in the training calendar-
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"-
Get regular statistics about your training programs-
Freelancer Plan
30 Kuwaiti Dinar
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.10 training programs
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs
Include your training programs in the training calendar
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"
Get regular statistics about your training programs-
Freelancer Special Plan
50 Kuwaiti Dinar
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.20 training programs
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs
Include your training programs in the training calendar
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"
Get regular statistics about your training programs
Corporate Special Plan
120 Kuwaiti Dinar
Publish your training program(s) for one-year "Mosaic" - Except for the free subscription, which publish one training program for three months.30 training programs
Recieve contact requests from other trainers on Mosaic
Receive comments and reviews on your training programs
Notify you of trainees' requests to communicate with you.
Notify you of requests for registration in your training programs
Notify you of any training programs of other trainers on Mosaic
Offer requests for quotations for needed training programs
Include your training programs in the training calendar
Publish news about your training programs on "Mosaic"
Get regular statistics about your training programs


Trainers Count
Registered Users count
Training programs count
Visitors count

All rights, including "Mosaic", Mosaic logo and the trade mark (Mosaic, Trainers' Community), are protected by law and registered in the name of AL-Bayan of Kuwait for administrative and Marketing Consulting, Kuwait.